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Robert Kraft gets to match the first $ 500,000 in donations to the Progeria research Foundation

-The recent fundraising campaign to help those suffering from rare disease of aging has raised considerably more than its goal, giving Kraft the opportunity to keep his promise.

Robert Kraft/Getty

The fundraising campaign organized by Progeria Research Foundation has raised $ 678,262 thus far in the struggle to help sufferers of the disease which is an extreme form of premature aging.

With the disease is so rare that most people in America were aware of it, until the documentary on the life history of suffering from Progeria, Sam Berns, produced by HBO, entitled "life according to Sam," which was shown on national television on Monday, October 21.

Before the documentary makes its television debut, Robert Kraft was given a preview showing. Apparently, Kraft was so mover that has increased its initial commitment to donate $ 100,000 to the appeal five fold on the condition that it would match the same value of donations.

Such was the response to the heart-rending documentary, that the Foundation has already managed to meet this target, and donations continue to flood before its closing date of October 31.

Thank's a pledge by Robert Kraft, the total for the appeal now equal to almost 1.2 million next.

Audrey Gordon, President and Executive Director of the Progeria Research Foundation expressed its appreciation of the magnanimous gesture of Kraft and how open the door for other Progeria patients, all children, in order to participate in our clinical trials and further finance research that we hope may one day find a cure for the disease, which ill have a life expectancy, going to their teens.

. "We have more work to do and Yes, more money to raise. Going to take $ 3 million more to ensure that every sufferer of Progeria known can participate in clinical trials. " MS. Gordon outlined.

Sam, who comes from a Jewish family, lives in Foxboro, Massachusetts, where he attended regular school and is active in school activities, as well as being a member of Boy Scouts despite his condition.

The Foundation was established 14 years ago by Gordon along with parents ' Berns, Leslie Gordon and Scott Berns, who are both doctors.

As the present appeal winds up to exceptional success, Audrey Gordon too long to thank all the thousands of donors who ranged from new and longtime supporters of the Foundation, including a number of Hollywood celebrities who "dug deep and rallied around this challenge with energy and enthusiasm that was contagious and uplifting".

Robert Kraft was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. After completing high school, Kraft went on to graduate from Columbia University, then going on to receive his masters from Harvard Business School in 1965.

Apart from his business and sports Robert Kraft has always been active in the field of philanthropy, reported to have donated over $ 100 million for a variety of charitable causes both in America and in Israel, focused around education, health care and the promotion of sport for youth among other causes.

Among the many institutions that Kraft argued over the years are Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Tufts University, Boston College, Harvard Business School and Columbia University